Scholarships for Juniors

Sept. -Shout It Out Scholarship!

--- Award amount $1,500

---Complete application required with contact information, demographic, academic details at:

--All students ages 13 and up

--Be thirteen (13) years of age or older at the time of application.

--Be currently enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2017) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education.

--Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the scholarship topic: "If you could say one thing to the entire world at once, what would it be and why?"

Sept. --Siemens Westinghouse Science and Technology Competition


---May enter as part of a team or as an individual.

---All high school students (from grades 9-12) are eligible to enter projects as part of a two or three member team.

--Awards between $1,000 and $100,000.

--High school students willing to challenge themselves in scientific research

October--National Achievement Scholarship Program

--Juniors take the PSAT for National Merit

--Minority students enter the National Achievement Program when they take the PSAT/NMSQT and compete for 800 achievement awards


--$16 must be paid in A Office during the month of September

--National Merit Scholars are determined by this test

--Preparation help at

--Test prep on Wednesdays during Charger time in the North Alcove

October -- Christopher Reeve Award

--Available for 9th-12th grade students who show tremendous compassion and caring in serving their community.

--Must be nominated by a non-relative

--$1,000 Award


November t-Masonic Grand Lodge of Kansas Essay Contest

---11th and 12th grade students are eligible

---300 to 500 word essay, one original and one copy is to be submitted and presented to the local lodge.

---Awards range $500 to $4,000 to be used at in-state college or university

---Inquiries may be directed by mail to the Grand Lodge or interested students may contact their local Masonic Lodge for more information.


November -Veterans of Foreign Wars Voice of Democracy Competition

---Record your original 3 to 5 minute essay on a standard cassette tape or CD.

---Entry to local VFW Post

---Open to students in grades 9 to 12.

---Awards up to $30,000

---Writing and recording a broadcast script on an annual theme. This year the theme is "Why I am Optimistic about our Nation's Future."

November -Prudential Spirit of Community Award

--Prestigious award from the National Association of Secondary School Principals.


--Students in grades 5-12 are eligible

--Community service and volunteerism are the basis of the award. (50 hours of service for age 14 and younger, 100 hours for those older)

--Essay questions about activity, effort, impact, personal growth, and inspiration with a lengthy application.

--This is an unrestricted cash award that is given to the student and can be used at the institution of their choice.

November -Everence Scholarship

---$2,000 first, $1,000 second, and $500 third prize to be split evenly between the winner and their favorite charity.

---Students ages 15 and up are eligible

---Create a 3 minute video, this year's theme is "Money Talks: What are you hearing"


November -First Freedom

--National essay and video contest examining the history and current-day relevance of religious freedom.

--$ 2,500 awards

--Open to 9th-12th grade students at all levels of academic placement.


December-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest

---1st-12th grades

---Essay required

---Exemplify the principles of peace and justice as exemplified by MLK

---Awarded at the Phillip V. Ashford Stop the Violence Day

---Winners featured in the Topeka Capital Journal


December-National Society Sons of the American Revolution Essay Contest

--Open to 10th-12th grade students

--Awards up to $2,500

--Several scholarships including the Eagle Scout Award and the Knight Essay Contest


December-Music Student Scholarship Application

---9th-12th grade students are eligible

---250 word essay on keeping music in the school curriculum

---$1,000 scholarships


December -AFROTC Scholarships

---Submit counselor certification/signed copy of transcript (Must have a 3.0 GPA at the end of 11th grade, extracurricular activity (bubble) sheet, physical fitness assessment and resume to be uploaded to the website by January 10, 2014.

---9th -11th grade students are considered.

---Submit SAT or ACT scores. ACT composite of 26 (writing test is not included), or an 1180 SAT score (writing test is not included).

---Once you meet the academic and general requirements there will be an interview with an Air Force officer at a local AFROTC Detachment.

---Cumulative 3.0 GPA

---Awards range from full tuition, most fees and $900/yr for books to paying college tuition and most fees up to $18,000 and $900/yr for books to paying college tuition up to the equivalent of the in-state rate at a public school and $900/yr for books.

---Upon activation all scholarship cadets receive a nontaxable monthly allowance.


December -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2014 Student Art Competition

--Open to students 1st -12th grade

---Any two dimensional (flat) art media may be submitted including but not limited to: paintings, photography, drawings-charcoal, pastels, or pencil.

--All art entries should be matted and the dimensions may not exceed 24 x 36 inches.

--Each art piece should represent the artistic interpretation of peace, diversity, justice, non-violence or human rights as reflected in a quote or principle from advocates such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma K. Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Cesar E. Chavez or another great leader who promoted these principles. Students may also submit artwork that promotes the 2014 Living the Dream theme: "One Day" a quote taken from Dr. King's "I Have a Dream".

---Applications are in the North Alcove

December -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2014 Student Poetry Competition

---Open to students in 5th - 12th grades

---Poems should be typed or written in legible handwriting. All poems must be the original work of the student. Offensive and profane language is prohibited.

---All students will be required to memorize, recite and follow the text of their poem at the Poetry Judging Competition

--Judges scoring based on originality and recitation.

--- Poems submitted should represent the writer' interpretation of peace, diversity, justice, non-violence or human rights as reflected in a quote or principle from advocates such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma K. Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Cesar E. Chavez or another great leader who promoted these principles. Students may also submit artwork that promotes the 2014 Living the Dream theme: "One Day" a quote taken from Dr. King's "I Have a Dream".

---Applications available in the North Alcove

December -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2014 Student Essay Competition

---Open to students 1st-12th grade

---Typed or handwritten (legible) in 500 words or less

--All entries submitted shall be double-spaced and submitted in a neat format as the winning essays will be displayed. The student's name should only appear on the essay entry form.

--Graduating high school seniors must submit a separate essay for the Living the dream college scholarship application.

---The essay should represent the writer's interpretation of peace, diversity, justice, non-violence or human rights as reflected in a quote or principle from advocates such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma K. Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Cesar E. Chavez or another great leader who promoted these principles. Students may also submit artwork that promotes the 2014 Living the Dream theme: "One Day" a quote taken from Dr. King's "I Have a Dream".

---Applications available in the North Alcove.

December -Top Ten list Scholarship

---Open to students 13 and older

---250 word essay on "Create a Top Ten List of the top ten reasons you should get this scholarship."

---$1,500 Award Amount


January -JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest

---Students in grades 9-12 are eligible

---Essays of no more than 1,000 words describing an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official that occurred during or after 1956, using 5 or more sources and with a bibliography.

---A $5,000 cash award and 6 finalists will be awarded by Caroline Kennedy.


January ----Scholastic Writing /Art/Video Awards

--Awards for young artists and writers

--Awards range from $150 up to full-tuition paid

--Students in grades 7-12 are eligible

--Submit writing or art portfolios


January -The National Sojourners Essay Scholarship

---300 to 500 word essay on the theme of "Which branch of the branch of the federal government is the most critical today? Why?

---9th-12th grade students are eligible

---Awards up to $2,000


January -Navy ROTC Scholarships

---You may start the process of applying during the second semester of your junior year of high school.

---Students may apply for only one of the three scholarship program options-Navy, Nurse or Marine Corps.

---Before the application can be finalized and forwarded for selection consideration, you must ensure that a copy of your complete transcript, including your entire junior year, is forwarded to your recruiter.

---Students with 30 or more semester hours or 45 or more quarter hours of college credit upon application are not eligible for four-year NROTC Scholarships; these students should see professors of naval science at host the university's NROTC unit to discuss other scholarship opportunity.


Playing With Purpose Award

---Available for sophomore, junior and senior athletes

---Must maintain a minimum "C" grade point average or higher

---Currently a varsity level athlete in one or more sports

---$14,000 of scholarships are available to Christian Student Athletes


February -National Peace Essay Contest

---Awards up to $10,000


---9th -12th grade students are eligible

---1,500 word essay

---Students take part in an exercise assuming roles of national leaders, examining issues and addressing crisis

---1st place winners attend awards program in Washington, D.C.

February -The Dupont Challenge Science Essay Contest


---700 to 1,000 word essay on a science-related topic.

---Students grades 7-12 are eligible

---Awards up to $5,000

February -National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

---DAR affiliation is not necessary

---Statement of 1,000 words or less setting forth career objectives

---Transcript indicating class rank, size and test scores

---2-4 letters of recommendation

---List of extra-curricular activities

---Awards of up to $20,000


March - Ashley Marie Easterbrook Internet Scholarship Fund

--9th - 12th grades may apply

--Minimum GPA of 3.74

--$2,000 Award


March---Optimist International Oratorical Contest


---Students submit a speech on a pre-assigned topic to their local Optimist Club.

---Selected candidates present their speech to the local Optimist club.

---Awards up to $2,500

March & April - Essay Contests on Ayn Rand's Books The Fountainhead and Anthem

--Read and analyze novels, select one of the suggested topics

--Entry deadline 3/18 for 9th and 10th graders reading Anthem

--Entry deadline 4/14 for 11th and 12th graders reading The Fountainhead

--Submit essay online at

March - Listen to a Life Contest

--Ages 8 - 18

--Prizes: ThinkCentre Computer and $500, 20 runners-up receive cash prizes

--Younger team member of 2 writes a story about the older person, over 50

--Create an original, true story about a real event or experience in the older entrant's life

--Entry must not exceed 300 words

--Judged by the Communication Project


March -Young Naturalist Awards

---Grades 7-12

---Inquiry-based research competition

---Explore an area of science especially life science, earth science, ecology or astronomy


March -Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program


---Student must be nominated by someone 21 years old or older, parents may nominate their own children.

---One nomination form/student should describe how the student has contributed to the community in a meaningful way by performing volunteer services that helped people who are not related to the student.

---Nominations separated into two ages groups 6-12 and 13-18.

---Over 200 $1,000 regional awards, 10 $9,000 national scholarships

March -Young American Creative Patriotic Art

---Students 9-12 grades may enter

---Entries are judged on factors including originality of concept and clarity of patriotic expression.

---No digital art will be accepted. All art must be on canvas or paper.

---Students who win local, District and State competitions will advance to Nationals. The winner of Nationals receives $10,000. $21,000 in awards is dispersed throughout the other winners.


May -Nordstrom "Ten 4 U" Scholarship


---80 $10,000 scholarships awarded to high school juniors (paid out in equal installments of $2,500)

---Minimum 2.7 GPA

---Volunteer, participate in community service or extracurricular activities

---Apply online

May t-Civil War Trust Essay Contest

---Use the slogan as their title.
--- Discuss preservation.
--- Be approximately 300 words long.

---Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

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