The Topeka West German Club (Deutscher Verein) is a social and academic organization which seeks to fulfill the following five purposes:
- To provide further experience of German cultural events outside of the classroom.
- To promote understanding of German Language for class members and other interested students.
- To promote the study of foreign languages in general.
- To provide opportunities for practicing spoken German, and
- To raise funds to provide materials, equipment and transportation for German classes and club activities.
German Club members regularly participate in Club Carnival, Homecoming Parade, Oktoberfest, St. Nikolaus Tag, Weihnachten, Post-Finals Celebration, Fasching, International Dinner, Kansas Schuelerköngress, and when possible, a trip to Worlds of Fun. A student does not have to be enrolled in a German class to join.
German Club sponsor is Mr. Eric Childs, [email protected].