Schedule Change Policy

It is the policy of this school to honor student's course requests made during the spring enrollment period (within the limitations of the system e.g. class size, staff availability, scheduling conflicts).

It is also the policy of this school to severely limit changes in student's schedules after the spring enrollment period. Students should not assume that requests for course changes after the enrollment period will be honored.

If there is a valid reason for a course change, the following process is used.

  • The student completes a SCHEDULE CHANGE PETITION REQUEST identifying one or more of the valid reasons for a course change. The student also writes his/her reasons for the request.

  • The student submits the petition for review by their division counselor and principal.

  • Upon review, the student's schedule may or may not be revised.

  • Petitions must be submitted by the third full day of 1st semester and the second full day of 2nd semester.

Valid Reasons for petitioning a schedule change include:

  1. The student has not met the prerequisite to be in the class.

  2. The student has already taken the class and passed it.

  3. The student's request for an elective class was listed on his/her enrollment form, but the class is not on his/her schedule.

  4. The student has a medical excuse that prohibits the student from taking the class.

  5. A core graduation requirement is not listed on the schedule (i.e. English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science).

  6. A teacher has directed a change based on student's academic need.

  7. The student has failed a previous semester with a particular teacher.

Schedule Change Petition Requests will be taken via Google Forms during the first 3 days of the fall semester and the first 2 days of the spring semester

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