German Club

The Topeka West German Club (Deutscher Verein) is a social and academic organization which seeks to fulfill the following five purposes:

  1. To provide further experience of German cultural events outside of the classroom.
  2. To promote understanding of German Language for class members and other interested students.
  3. To promote the study of foreign languages in general.
  4. To provide opportunities for practicing spoken German, and
  5. To raise funds to provide materials, equipment and transportation for German classes and club activities.

German Club members regularly participate in Club Carnival, Homecoming Parade, Oktoberfest, St. Nikolaus Tag, Weihnachten, Post-Finals Celebration, Fasching, International Dinner, Kansas Schuelerköngress, and when possible, a trip to Worlds of Fun. A student does not have to be enrolled in a German class to join.

German Club sponsor is Mr. Eric Childs, [email protected].

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