The College Search Guidesheet found at the bottom of the page is a way to compare colleges. This is based on using information from U.S. News and World Reports current College Edition which may be found in the North Alcove or in the Media Center.  For Kansas colleges and university's the Kansas Board of Regents website has lots of great information about which school offer which majors, etc. at Every college has what is called a "Net Price Calculator",  net price calculators have to meet requirements from the federal government and are probably the most accurate way of estimating the cost of going to a given college.  This is the link to one from the College Board  I like this college blog:, it has lots of great information. This is a great link for preparing for an interview:     On KSU Honors Program:  The University Honors Program requires participants to complete an Honors First-Year Seminar, four (12 credit hours) of honors courses, three co-curricular experiences, and a project. There are several courses that are already created that are designed as an Honors course or students can ask their professor to assign them extra work to make any course Honors level.  The project can vary from research, study abroad, or internships/co-ops. Recommended reading:   New York Times College blog,

MIT Admissions Blog;



College Funding Sheet

Counselor Day at Washburn

KSU School of Agriculture 1of 4

KSU School of Agriculture 2 of 4

KSU School of Agriculture 3 of 4

KSU School of Agriculture 4 of 4

List of Potential College Visit Questions

Notes from KU Honors

Online Sites to Research Colleges

RUDD Foundation Take Aways

School Profile

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